Daily Weather & Forecast Live

by Simon Next


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Daily Weather and Forecast Live Widget for worldwide locations, provides detailed current weather ob...

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Daily Weather and Forecast Live Widget for worldwide locations, provides detailed current weather observation and weather forecast for all world locations, and provides the current temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit. It also provides current weather condition, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, visibility distance, precipitation in different unites, dew point, wind speed and direction, in addition to ten days future forecast and hourly weather. Daily Weather and Forecast online 2016 is exceptionally easy to use app for staying always updated with the weather conditions.Daily Weather & Forecast Live app is specifically designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible.The climate state is gorgeously animated so that you can almost experience it, seeing how the weather comes alive.The Daily Weather & Forecast Live is using Weather Underground as a data channel and the live updates are really tiny so that you would not use up your data cap.
For worldwide locations, when AccuWeather forecasts snow, ice, rain, wind,hurricane, heirloom , snow day calculator or the probability of thunderstorms
Whether you want to check the temperature, precipitation forecast, Doppler radar,heirloom, or simply keep up with the current phases of the sun and moon, **Weather has you covered. Plus, it’s outstanding design, makes getting your weather info both easy and fun.
Changes based on your current location, weather, and time of day, so you get your current conditions plus the weather info you need most.This gadget is elegant and full-featured with accurate weather forecasts and snow day calculator .
- An option to manually add your location or any location you want - Hourly , Daily and weekly forecasts- Tap on the temperature to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit - Current weather condition and five days weather forecast- Displays temperature in home screen- Relative humidity percentage- Sunrise and Sunset times- Favorite Locations - Optimized for Mobile Phones and tablets- Atmospheric pressure in many different units - Accurate weather information (temperature, general conditions of the day) and local time are shown on the widget
*** How to use Daily Weather & Forecast Live ***
- Press the left button to add zone that you want- Press the right button to go to menu- Pull the screen down to refresh the data
The new Hourly Weather and Forecast online 2016 Android app provides the worlds most accurate hyper-local weather forecasts in addition to interactive radar,Powered by our unique community of weather enthusiasts reporting live data from weather stations in their own backyards, this crowd-sourced data generates forecasts .** Weather is your best personal weather station providing current weather for today and daily & hourly weather forecasts based on your current location or any location in the world .
Hourly Weather and Forecast Live widgets provides detailed weather for all cities worldwide , it searches your address and locates cities quickly , hurricane and provides the current temperature , current humidity , pressure and wind speed and direction , in addition , seven days weather forecast . The Widget is 100% free , and it comes with many cool widgets .
the great thing is you can scroll the time forward. Just swipe the screen and you will see how the weather is going to change throughout the day.
Daily Weather and Forecast Live is designed to be your daily companion for your basic weather condition needs and will drastically improve your connection to nature and its elements.